Participants of AVS have access to the services and expertise of the universities Knowledge Transfer Offices – IXA (Innovation Exchange Amsterdam). IXA offer’s the expertise of grant advisers, business developers and legal experts to help determine a valorisation/ impact strategy. They assist in setting up collaborations with third parties and/or starting new ventures, while managing intellectual property and other legal and financial support. To develop your skills on valorisation and entrepreneurship, IXA organises workshops, courses and masterclasses on a regular basis.
Also our partner ACE (Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship) is a ‘go to’ serviceprovider. ACE supports students, graduates, researchers and academics who are starting or growing their tech or science based business. Their help consists of training & coaching and introductions to their extensive network of industry leaders, business professionals, investors and service providers.
Register for IXA’s workshops, courses and events to grow your knowledge in valorisation and develop your entrepreneurial skills. Or start your exploration on entrepreneurship with ACE , that offers courses in entrepreneurship, such as the Explore programs – to help establish an entrepreneurial mind- and skillset. Or their Incubation program – a 10-week incubation program, that helps build, validate and grow the early-stage Startup.
Met de zogeheten ikHerstel-app herstellen patiënten aanzienlijk van grote buikoperaties dan patiënten die de app niet gebruiken. Het herstel duurt nog maar 7 in plaats van 9 weken. Met de app ervaren patiënten meer eigen regie door zelf actief aan hun herstel te werken. Daardoor wordt ook het zorgpersoneel ontlast.
NewsAt Amsterdam’s Roeterseiland Campus (REC) a Hub will arise, dedicated to cultivating a culture of impact learning, research, innovation, and valorisation.
NewsIkHerstel, an app that helps patients recover after surgery, is getting a capital injection by CbusineZ – the investment arm of health insurer CZ, together with investment company Healthy Capital.