Gold Award Winner at Academic Startup Competition and participant in the Digital Mission West Coast USA.
Digi.Bio works at the intersection of biology, computation and engineering to develop faster and smarter automation tools that accelerate life science discoveries. MT/Sprout made an interesting video portrait of the award-winning startup. According to co-founder Sabrina Zaini, the VU Amsterdam ecosystem has played an important role in the growth of the company: “VU Amsterdam and IXA ecosystem assists us with the validation of our business plan, fundraising and growth initiatives. Without them, we wouldn’t have been named Best Academic Startup in the Netherlands!”
IkHerstel, an app that helps patients recover after surgery, is getting a capital injection by CbusineZ – the investment arm of health insurer CZ, together with investment company Healthy Capital.
NewsMet de zogeheten ikHerstel-app herstellen patiënten aanzienlijk van grote buikoperaties dan patiënten die de app niet gebruiken. Het herstel duurt nog maar 7 in plaats van 9 weken. Met de app ervaren patiënten meer eigen regie door zelf actief aan hun herstel te werken. Daardoor wordt ook het zorgpersoneel ontlast.
NewsAt Amsterdam’s Roeterseiland Campus (REC) a Hub will arise, dedicated to cultivating a culture of impact learning, research, innovation, and valorisation.