On October 14 the opening of the Humanities Lab took place at its new location in the Oudemanhuispoort. The place has undergone a true metamorphosis under the inspiring leadership of Jonneke Bekkenkamp and her team Jenaida Zijdemans, Emma Post and Robert Meijer. The location offers place and guidance to students, employees, researchers and alumni of the Faculty of Humanities who want to start their own business and want to become entrepreneurs.
At Amsterdam’s Roeterseiland Campus (REC) a Hub will arise, dedicated to cultivating a culture of impact learning, research, innovation, and valorisation.
NewsMet de zogeheten ikHerstel-app herstellen patiënten aanzienlijk van grote buikoperaties dan patiënten die de app niet gebruiken. Het herstel duurt nog maar 7 in plaats van 9 weken. Met de app ervaren patiënten meer eigen regie door zelf actief aan hun herstel te werken. Daardoor wordt ook het zorgpersoneel ontlast.
NewsIkHerstel, an app that helps patients recover after surgery, is getting a capital injection by CbusineZ – the investment arm of health insurer CZ, together with investment company Healthy Capital.